At the Indianapolis Airport, an explosive detection canine named Tirado received the best farewell surprise a dog could ever have.
This brave and loyal dog has been in the service for eight years. It was time for him to retire, and his handler, Keith Gray, wanted to celebrate with him.
Keith knew Tirado’s love for tennis balls would make his dog happy. Tirado played with tennis balls like a little pup.
He knew this so well because it was a toy to be earned. His dog had to work hard to be rewarded with tennis ball playtime, which motivated his dog and kept him going.
So, he thought that tennis balls dropping all over the place would be the greatest surprise ever. He knew that his dog would go crazy seeing all of them at once. What dog wouldn’t?!
This canine deserved this kind of treatment. He always passed his tests and came out at the top of his class.
He was great at detection; scent detection was a game to him. He enjoyed it much, and going to work never really worked for him.
He was also his handler’s first-ever dog partner. They’ve had a lot of moments together, so he just couldn’t let his partner’s last working day go by without a big surprise.
He ordered the tennis balls and then made up a final search job for his dog. With the help of other handlers, they held the tennis balls behind the scenes and were ready to drop them at the right moment.
When TTirad finally found what seemed to be a suspicious bag left alone by its owner, he sniffed and signaled the alert to his handler. It was the signal for the other handlers to drop the tennis ball.
At that moment, I made this detection dog’s last day at work the happiest day ever.
Watch the video below to see how he scrambles to catch all the tennis balls.
After more than 8 years of service @INDairport, @TSA explosive detection canine TTirado has officially retired. He was adopted by his handler Keith Gray and will spend retirement at home with his family. Check out this clip of his final bag search and reward! ❤️❤️❤️
— TSA Southeast (@TSA_Southeast) June 17, 2020
Source: Twitter