Lemon was a stray puppy that stumbled into a hospital one day. As soon as the hospital staff saw her, they saw that she had multiple health issues. The homeless dog had trouble opening her eyes and walking normally.
Several of the doctors present examined her and conducted a battery of tests. However, they were unable to determine what was wrong with the canine.
Matt, a member of the hospital’s medical staff, grew fond of Lemon and became concerned that something bad would happen to her. Following a conversation with his wife, Adrianne, they decided to adopt the unfortunate dog.
The pair quickly fell in love with Lemon’s personality upon meeting her. She acted in a ridiculous manner and was a delight to have around. The dog’s constant desire for attention made her owners love her even more. They simply saw that she has a unique quality which they absolutely loved.
When the owners brought her home, Pickles, their second dog, immediately embraced her. He desired to play with his new sister immediately. They got along extremely well and were always by each other’s side.
Pickles seemed to be aware of Lemon’s limits. The larger dog also became very protective of his younger sister, and whenever she was exhausted, he would be particularly gentle, and this happens quite frequently.
When the family goes on long walks, they place Lemon in a stroller or wagon, or they place her inside a backpack and carry her.
Lemon’s favorite activity is visiting the dog park and interacting with other canines. She enjoys running and jumping around with her playmates immensely.
Months after the couple adopted Lemon, someone commented on their Instagram account that the dog appeared to have MPS or mucopolysaccharidosis. It is a rare condition caused by a lack of specific enzymes. They had this idea checked out and they soon found out that it was actually the cause of her health issues.
However, there are currently no approved treatments for this type of sickness. And although it can significantly shorten a dog’s lifespan, physical therapy can add years to her life. Therefore, they had Lemon undergo cold laser and aquatic therapy. In addition, she was given leg braces and special orthotics.
The couple stated that they will do what they can as much as possible. Additionally, they hope that Lemon will remain with them for a very long time. But for the time being, they aim to enjoy life with their cheerful dog, who appears to be having a great time as well.
Source: The Dodo