Rescued dogs are often found in pitiful conditions. One example is a stray dog with cropped ears. Rescuers from the Villalobos Rescue Center in New Orleans found her, and this is what they did after.
The rescuers have previously set a trap for a specific dog in New Orleans East. They went back to see if the trap worked. To their surprise, the dog they were looking for was inside the trap. Strays don’t usually fall for traps, but that one was well camouflaged, so it worked.
When they transported the dog to their vehicle, the rescuers saw the cropped ears. It was badly done. It looks like the type of ear cropping that is done to fighting dogs.
After the rescue, the rescuers observed the pit bull. She was well-behaved and acted like a normal domesticated dog. One of the rescuers gave the dog a Gaelic name that meant a dream. It was pronounced as Ashling.
While the rescuers were cleaning Ashling’s ear, they noticed an unusual lump. They suspected it might be a tumor, so they headed to the veterinarian immediately. Fortunately, the vet confirmed it wasn’t cancer but only scar tissue.
Ashling tested positive for heartworms and also had ear infections. The vet gave anti-bacterial medication and applied it to the dog’s ear. The rescuers were relieved that Ashling’s condition was not terrible.
After the visit to the vet, the rescuers took Ashling to an open area near the shelter. The rescuers couldn’t believe what they saw once they let go of the leash. Ashling was running around like the happiest dog in the world.
Ashling is another example of a dog who didn’t let her past stop her from being happy. Just like the other pit bull in the Villalobos shelter, Ashling is in safe hands. Check out the whole story in the video below.
Video courtesy of Animal Planet via YouTube.